Monday, February 22, 2010

Drunk Dial

All of the following words posted in red are the drunk dialer, all in blue are people he's calling.
"Uh, h-h-hey, hey what's goin on?"
"Sir this is Pizza Hut"
"So uh, are you hot or er, uh... what are you doing?"
"Sir this is Pizza Hut, would you like to order something sir?"
"Uh...Ummmm.... yeah...... so, what are you doing?"
" I'm hanging up now sir"
" Fine leave me!"
He is now calling his ex girlfriend.
" Hey, hey Linda, what ar you doin?"
" sleeping, it's 2:30 in the morning"
" okay, can I, can I stop by? or..."
" No Steve I'm with Scott now!"
" Okay so... is that a yes?"
" okay so uh..... um.... what are you doin?"
" (sigh)"

Friday, February 12, 2010

Uncensored, Uncut

Who cares about all the emo, goth, vampire wannabees, whose apparent only home is Hot Topic, who cares if I hang my unfitting jeans so low to the ground that I trip over them if I walk too fast and I talk in some form of dialect only people from the projects and Orange County speak.
So if I wanna be a "gangsta", or some "emo" who cuts them self and listens to GreenDay then I'll do that, but what if wanna be a normal kid away from all this middle school drama crap!?
But that's the damn problem is that tv shows like: The Hills, Degrassi and pretty much anything on MTV, have instilled this stupid belief in kids that it'sd cool to talk like a little hood and go around telling people that you smoke, this is the forsaken age of sarcasm and MTV has created a mind set that allows children to believe that people on the Jersey Shore are role models!
I live in a nation over ruled by the racist continental, so fed up! stupid Clay Aiken!
So if I wanna be a white trash rapper, and let my life the crapper I'll spread the word about the closeness of the grossness in thisplace, I feel like an alien dunno what people sayin sometimes!, memenim comin up with hiphop ryhmes!
I hate it!
  So if you wanna sing then sing about reality not about nestaligy or Lebron James game he won, it leads ten year old boys to have a gun to rebel to repel the oppurtunitys of life!