Friday, December 25, 2009

My Best Friend is a T-rex

My T-rex  is awesome.
His favorite thing to drink is a vodka and pterodactyl blood martini.
I took him to my friend Gibby's birthday did not go well.
He ate the clown, stuffed his face with cake, and stomped on all of Gibby's presents.
Gibby told me that I had to leave, then my T-rex ate him .
I was really depressed because the T-rex a te my dog too.
The next day me and my T-rex went swimming, he broke the life gaurds chair.
My T-rex didn't want to go in the pool bacause he said that his arms were too tiny, and that the other dinosaurs would make fun of  him, I told him that all  of the dinosaurs were dead, and that made him go on a rampage.
That night I went home and my house was empty because my T-rex hadn't come home.
I looked at the natural history museum and I found him there, looking at a t-rex skeleton.
I told him it was going to be okay, and that I would make him a pterodactyl martini when we got home.
I made him twelve pterodactyl blood martinis.
He got drunk and ran threw town and climbed the chrysler building.
Of course the Airforce was called and he was shot down at 11:23 pm, on May 16 ,2004.
My T- rex is dead. It's funny but I don't remember my T-rex's name.. I think it started with a t , like Toby, or Tony, or maybe Toejam.

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